Fly Fisher's Guide to Colorados Easy Access Mountain Lakes

SKU: 14AB2186
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Colorado's high country is rich with amazing scenery and big, beautiful fish. Unfortunately, many of these highland fisheries are impractical to access. But thanks to veteran fishing guide and writer Phil Tereyla, over 60 mountain lakes in Colorado that are under three miles to access in all corners of the state are now fully outlined and covered . Difficulty to access does not equate to quality fishing; many of Colorado's easy-access alpine gems host fantastic fishing for large trout, including lots of drive-to lakes and reservoirs. Most of these lakes also have the same signature scenery and solitude that has made Colorado so popular for fishing and otherwise. 80+ maps, 40+ B&W & color photos; 6x9 inches 284 pgs.

Tereyla shows us where to catch all three subspecies of native cutthroat trout (greenback, Colorado River, and Rio Grande), arctic grayling, big brown trout, lake trout, rainbow trout, cuttbows, splake, tiger trout, tiger muskie, and more. He also covers tributary streams, inlets and outlets, the right times to pursue these awesome fish, and the flies that work. This book is perfect for families, aging and disabled anglers, and those who would rather spend their day casting to large trout than hiking. It also makes a great gift for the angler who has it all.
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